Actors needed for Kapiti Playhouse’s production of Sex, Drugs and Rick ‘n’ Noel, a comedy by David Tristram. Production dates will be 22nd to 31st July 2021.
The play centres around Rick who loses many of the people and things which were important to him all in the space of a few months. He is forced to make changes and bravely heads off to university, despite being in his forties. The fun starts as Rick tries to fit in with his new friend and bad influence Noel.
Cast required :
2 men forties
1 woman thirties
1 woman twenties
Also a small walk-on part for a waiter in an Indian restaurant
Auditions will be held at the Kapiti Playhouse, 7 Ruahine St., Paraparaumu on Sunday 9th May from 2.00 pm.
Reading copies of the script are available to borrow from Paper Plus, Coastlands. Contact director Claire Fleming on 022 345 0034 or dinodigger095 [at] gmail [dot] com for further information.